mail disappearing

Guy Cohen
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 01:15:54 +0200

I'll try this question again with out the mambo jambo.

we have imp3.0 on the latest apache with php configures with
--with-xml --with-gettext --with-imap=../imap-2001a 
--with-apxs=/path --with-mysql 
--with-mcrypt=/path --with-kerberos --with-openssl
its doing remote authentication to mysql and logging into cyrus

When loging in mail doesnt show up. only the last mails since user last
log in. when user try to read en email she gets error opening mailbox
and all mail in the mail box (what imp see) disappear.
other mail client see and read the mail with no problem.

any advice?

-   G