Removing "Save" and "Undo" from preference group

Joshua E Warchol
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:16:02 -0500

I'm writting a pref group to allow my users to edit their autoresponder
(out-of-office) messages and to setup email forwarding (all LDAP based). I've
got the pref group working, and it's pretty slick seeing it all nicely 
integrated in IMP. 

On the options page I've added a group under "Your Information" called
"Configure Mailbox". In there I list two options, "Out-of-Office Message" and
"Email Forwarding". Each of these is a link to another PHP page that does all
the work. 

But on this page I've got the standard "Save","Undo Changes" and "Return to
Options" buttons. I only want the "Return to Options" button to be there, as
there are no preferences to save on that page. Can this be done?

Here are the customizations I made to prefs.php

$prefGroups['dslemail'] = array(
    'column' => _("Your Information"),
    'label' => "Configure Mailbox",
    'desc' => "Set an out-of-office message, and forward your email to another address",
    'members' => array('dslautoresponder','dslforwarders')

$_prefs['dslautoresponder'] = array(
    'type' => 'link',
    'url' => 'dslautoresponder.php',
    'desc' => "Out-of-Office Message"

$_prefs['dslforwarders'] = array(
    'type' => 'link',
    'url' => 'dslforwarders.php',
    'desc' => "Email Forwarding"

Joshua Warchol
UNIX Systems Administrator