Question about LDAP support in IMP
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 16:48:08 +0200
I'am new to HORDE, IMP and PHP.
Following the straight documentation setting it up was no problem.
(HORDE 2.0 / IMP 3.1 RC2 / PHP4.1.1 (as apache module, apache version 1.2.23))
Now I want to save IMPs preferences in a LDAP database, cause
I'am familiar with LDAP.
But I don't really understand this point yet.
Have I to do this within the horde framework, cause IMPs preferences
are saved by the use of HORDE sessions ?
And HORDE itselfs uses PHP sessions, or what,
so I have to switch the PHP sessions db to LDAP ??
(I have translated PHP with the OpenLDAP2 libs.)
Where is the switch to bind IMP preferences store to LDAP ?
Do I need auxiliary schema definitions (I'am using OpenLDAP2) ?
Exists there some documentation about this topic ?
I found nothing really usefull in the archivs of the imp and the horde list.
I would be very happy if you could give me a starting point.