lost mailbowes

Gabriel O. Rizzuti grizzuti@itba.edu.ar
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 15:27:11 -0300

We have a problem reading mails with IMP.

We have two Novell Netware user servers, in one of them the IMP 
product runs 
correctly, but in the other one, when the user logs in, IMP 
lists him his new 
mails, but when the user click on one of them, IMP reports him 
an error telling 
him that the mail not exists and his mailbox was destroyed 
We are accesing both servers identicaly by pop3 via mercury 
(same version).
The only diference between both of them is the novell version. 
The server that 
is working well is 4.02 the other one is 4.11.


Gabriel O. Rizzuti
ITBA - Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Dto de Servicios Informáticos
Sistemas de Información
Av. Eduardo Madero 399
(1106) Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel. +54(0)11 4314-7778 - Ext. 299
Fax  +54(0)11 4314-0270

>From rootix@bootix.net Date: Fri,  5 Apr 2002 20:49:32 +0200
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Subject: New themes

go here

To horde team :
I propose a change for horde :
In _login screen_, we have a "light" class and in _Compose_ too.
Could we have a different class for this, because we can have a hight contrast
between backgrounds and it's very difficult to choose a color.
(   Christophe GUILLOUX    )
(  http://www.bootix.net   )