changing password from IMP!
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 21:00:00 -0500

Hi, these is a issue, about poppassd. I has a problem changing passwords from 
IMP for my users, because the username is passed to the system only in 16 
The source of this problem was into the Source code of poppassd in the file 
poppassd.c : 

                                                           password via 
poppassd */ 
#define MAX_LEN_USERNAME        "16"   /* maximum length of username */ 
#define MAX_LEN_PASS            "126"   /* maximum length of password */ 

We see the definition MAX_LEN_USERNAME is to 16 characters. in my case i has 
users of more 16 characters of long. I need change these number for other, 
example 100 
#define MAX_LEN_USERNAME        "100"   /* maximum length of username */ 

save the file and compile a binary. 


Miguel de la Borda 
Lima - Peru 

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