[imp] cyrus/imp/horde CVS as of today

Joakim Ryden jo@our-own.net
Sun, 5 May 2002 19:18:37 -0700 (PDT)

anyone else have any suggestions what one might try to get this to
work? i also tried the tests in "test.php" included with IMP and got the
same thing "document contains no data" when trying the imap test.
FWIW, squirrelmail works flawlessly but i'd really rather run IMP... my v
ersion of cyrus is 2.1.3 and sasl 2.1.2, php is 4.1.2 and apache 1.3.22.
i'll be happy to provide whatever additional information might be



<quote who="Joakim Ryden">
> <quote who="Jan Schneider">
>> Zitat von Joakim Ryden <jo@our-own.net>:
>>>     'protocol' => 'imap',
>> Did you try 'imap/notls'?
> yes, same thing. :(
> --Jo
> --
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