[imp] cyrus/imp/horde CVS as of today
Jan Schneider
Mon, 6 May 2002 12:07:59 +0200
Zitat von Joakim Ryden <jo@our-own.net>:
> anyone else have any suggestions what one might try to get this to
> work? i also tried the tests in "test.php" included with IMP and got the
> same thing "document contains no data" when trying the imap test.
> FWIW, squirrelmail works flawlessly but i'd really rather run IMP... my
> v
> ersion of cyrus is 2.1.3 and sasl 2.1.2, php is 4.1.2 and apache 1.3.22.
> i'll be happy to provide whatever additional information might be
> neccessary.
If even test.php doesn't run you have a serious problem with php. Try
increasing the error_reporting level and checkout your server logs.
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