[imp] [shil_bijam@yahoo.com: New-Email Popups]
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 14 May 2002 12:41:58 -0400
----- Forwarded message from shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam@yahoo.com> -----
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 16:37:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam@yahoo.com>
Subject: New-Email Popups
To: chuck@horde.org
I need urgent help for indication of new mails coming
to IMP.I have configured it with POP and I have
installed IMP3.0 and Horde 2.0.
I have tried modifying prefs.php in imp/config by
making the following modification:
$_prefs['nav_popup'] = array(
'value' => 1,(changed from O to 1)
'locked' => false,
'shared' => false,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'desc' => _("Display pop-up notification of new
I am not sure what else can be done to make it working
as I need some indication of new mails.
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----- End forwarded message -----
...and remember: elmo is _not_ an insertion toy.