[imp] Hiding URL.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 17:01:12 -0500

Quoting Brad Dameron <bdameron@tscnet.com>:

> I checked the archives but only found solutions for older HORDE.

How about the admin faq?  I'm not sure if it is correct/working, but
it is in there.

> I want to hide the /horde/imp from the url so it only shows like /login.php.


> I have tried several things. The first being to do the following to my
> httpd.conf:
> DocumentRoot /web/html/horde/imp
> Alias /horde/ "/web/html/horde/"

The faq says to add to this:

Alias /imp/ "/web/html/horde/imp"

and you might want to add additional ones like that for the other
modules (turba, etc).

> Then in the registry.php for horde I changed:
> 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/imp',
> to
> 'webroot' => '',

That's *Probably* correct, though I don't know for sure.  But you also
have to change the webroot for the other apps (imp, turba, etc).  This 
assumes that the other modules are installed under /horde/ and not under
/horde/imp/ of course, which they really should be.

> Now this works initially. But not when you install additional modules like
> turba, kronolith, etc. When you enter one of the other modules then click
> the mail menu link at the top it then takes you to the login.php to
> re-login.
This is probably due to session setup.  If you are using cookies, then
you need to set the "cookie_path" variables in registry.php correctly
for the new base path. By default the cookie_path is I think "/horde"
and you probably want to set it to "/" instead.

> Anyone done this with the latest Horde/IMP?

Nope.  But if you try out the above, let me know the results.  If it helps/works
I'll add the info to the FAQ, which is rather sketchy in this area.

> Thanks.
> ---
> Brad Dameron	

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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