[imp] Questions and Problems

Michael Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 15:25:21 +0100

Quoting Dave <g00ru@cyberedge.net>:

> Hello I am using IMP 3.1 with php 4.1.2, and storing user preferences to
> a mysql db, everything works fine except one bug and a couple questions.
> When there is no mail in the user mailbox this message is displayed.
> Warning: Mailbox is empty (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
This is another one of the c-client messages that needs to be silenced. maybe we
could change the debugging level before an imap call is made and then set it
back to normal again. Dropping the debugging level definatley get rid of these
messages. Not very clean but it would work.

None of the commits earlier this month made any difference to the c-client error
i'm getting here.

> Also I am using pop-3 for grabbing mail off the server, the server is
> vpopmail. I was wondering is there a way to allow my users to manage
> their folders, or am I going to have to switch to IMAP? And one last
> request, am I going to have to install Turba so that they can use an
> address book?
yes and yes. POP3 has no support for folders. and turba is your only choice for
an address book system.

- Mike

> Thanks a lot,
> Dave
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