[imp] How to re-compose a login string user@domain ?
Edwin Culp
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 09:53:16 -0700
Quoting Nicolas Foucou <foucou@cdc.u-cergy.fr>:
| Hi all,
| I'm sorry, but I tried to find a solution to my problem without success.
| My problem is that I've to propose to my users to check their mail trought
| But, the mailhost (IMAP4 1.0) deliver mail for numerous maildomains and
| need a complete user@domain user string.
| I really want that when they've filled user field, passwd field and selected
| their proper mailhost in the LOGIN page of IMP, it work.
| For the moment they have to put user@domain in the user field and select the
| good mailhost. It's a little bit redondant because the information about
| maildomain is already put in the imp/config/server.php file!!!
You might want to look at the vinfo hook in horde/imp/config/conf.php
$conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = 'imp_get_vinfo';
| I want to know if it's possible to recompose this kind of user string
| automaticaly with IMP 3.0 HORDE 2.1 ? and where (in which files?) does I
| have to make the change for ?
| thank by advance and thank for the great work you made.
| --
| Nicolas Foucou
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