[imp] Realm problem

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 11:03:12 -0700

Quoting Jazz <jazzbr@yahoo.com.br>:

 |      Dear Mr. Edwin,
 |      Thank your for your help. Today looking at the
 | list I cathched your hint as below:
 | if (!function_exists('imp_get_vinfo')) {
 |      function imp_get_vinfo ($type = 'username') {
 |          global $conf, $imp;
 |          if ($type == 'username') {
 |              return $imp['user'] . '@' . $realm_value;
 |         } elseif ($type == "vdomain") {
 |             return $realm_value;
 |         } else {
 |             return new PEAR_Error('invalid type: ' .
 | $type);
 |         }
 |     }
 | }
 |     The fact is that it didn't work, so I tried this:
 |          if ($type == 'username') {
 |             // return $imp['user'] . $realm_value;
 |                return $realm_value;
 |      And in the logs IMP tries to log in Imap using:
 |      username@realm.domain
 |      I wish that IMP use this:
 |      username.realm.domain
 |      Do you have any hint? 

Maybe something like 
 return preg_replace('|\@|', '.', $realm_value);

What I don't understand is how $realm_value could already the user name
concatenated with it. Seems strange to me.  Be sure that you are using
 $conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = 'imp_get_vinfo';


 |      Thank you in advance, JAZZ
 |  --- Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net> escreveu: >
 | Quoting Jazz <jazzbr@yahoo.com.br>:
 | > 
 | >  |     Hy,
 | >  | 
 | >  |      My problem is that I have multiple Novell
 | >  | servers, with a big NDS (Novell User database)
 | > system.
 | >  | My e-mail system is integrated with this
 | > environment.
 | >  | The problem I'm facing is that the user must
 | > supply a
 | >  | username like:
 | >  | 
 | >  |        username.server.context.company
 | > 
 | > I don't use realm in servers.php but I hadn't tried
 | > it is sometime so
 | > I configured it just as a test and it works as
 | > expected but 
 | > maybe not as you expect in the head version  of imp.
 | > 
 | > If you put your realm as server.context.company your
 | > imap login will
 | > be username@server.context.company.  I would suggest
 | > that you look
 | > at the $conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = 'imp_get_vinfo'; in
 | > imp/config/conf.php
 | > it should be easy to script what you are looking
 | > for.
 | > 
 | > If server.context.company is a FQDN it will be very
 | > easy.
 | > 
 | > e
 | > 
 | >  | 
 | >  |     I want to make my users happy so they don't
 | > have
 | >  | to remember such a big login name to the e-mail
 | >  | system. I did configure the file servers.php with
 | > all
 | >  | my servers, and for each server the realm for the
 | >  | context, like:
 | >  | 
 | >  |         .server.context.company
 | >  | 
 | >  |      The users must to remember just the
 | > username,
 | >  | select the server from the drop-down box in
 | > browser
 | >  | and voilá! Login to Imap. The problem is that IMP
 | > just
 | >  | ignores anything I put in the field "realm" in
 | >  | servers.php. Using all the string for the
 | >  | username+context is OK.
 | >  | 
 | >  | 
 | >  |       Any hint?
 | >  | 
 | >  | 
 | >  |  --- Niall Brady <bradyn@maths.tcd.ie> escreveu:
 | > > On
 | >  | Mon, 24 Jun 2002 08:20:42 -0300,
 | >  | > =?iso-8859-1?q?Jazz?= said:
 | >  | > >> 
 | >  | > >>      Does anyone one know any hint to make
 | > the
 | >  | > >> realms work?
 | >  | > 
 | >  | > What problem are you actually seeing?  Your
 | > email is
 | >  | > a little bit vague
 | >  | > ;-)
 | >  | > 
 | >  | > If you have relevant log snippets, they might
 | > help
 | >  | > too...
 | >  | > 
 | >  | > -- 
 | >  | > 	Niall 
 | >  | 
 | >  |
 | >
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