[imp] Administrative / Helpdesk tools

Stefan Ott stefan@desire.ch
19 Jul 2002 00:12:44 +0200


You might want to take a look at webmin (www.webmin.com/webmin)


On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 21:12, Gardner, Jeff wrote:
> We are currently implementing IMP/Horde and are curious as to what other schools / business are doing for Administrative tools.  We are implementing IMP at a university with over 10, 000 students and will go "online" with the webmail server shortly.  
> We are using IMAP authentication as opposed to LDAP at this point.
> We would like the helpdesk personell to be able to change passwords and other tasks.  How are you implementing Imp/Horde administration without letting helpdesk or other computer administrators have root access?  
> Sincerely, 
> Jeff Gardner
> -- 
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