[imp] Re: [horde] Filtering based on headers

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:25:23 -0600

Quoting Ryan Gallagher <ryan@studiesabroad.com>:

| Quoting Ramon Kagan <rkagan@YorkU.CA>:
| > HI,
| > 
| > Using IMP3.1 is there a way to filter mail based on headers.  We're
| using
| > SpamAssassin and would like to filter based on the header
| > X-Spam-Status: Yes
| > 
| > So far all I see are filters for To, From, cc, subject, body.
| > 
| > Thanks in advance,
| > 
| > Ramon Kagan

Part of the reason I rewrote/revised the filtering code was to allow 
filtering on other headers besides the five listed above.  The problem 
still lies in that imap_search() does not have an option to search for 
headers other than the five listed above.  Instead, you have to do an 
imap_search() for 'TEXT' - which searches ALL text in ALL messages in the 
mailbox.  This might be a potential performance hit (although, thinking 
about it a bit more, it is probably nearly as costly to search via headers 
since imap_search() would have to parse each message to grab the headers 
anyway....)  Hmmm.  Maybe this is not such a performance problem after 

I guess I will take a look and see what I can come up with.  It is still 
probably better to filter using procmail or similar mechanism, but I 
realize that sometimes this is not an option (especially for novice users 
or users without access to a shell account, for example).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder