[imp] error on opening folders

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 22:26:45 -0400

Quoting Tim Gorter <email@teletechnics.com>:

> Every other time it is fine, I can only reproduce it, if I log on again
> and choose the folders icon again.

You should get it again if you refresh the folder view. The other times 
really work fine and show you everything that's supposed to be there?

> It seems to be happening on the call during the function initializeTree()
> in imp/folders.php, in the line $imaptree->init(....)
> but I cannot trace it further, so if anyone knows something about this,
> much appreciated.

To track it, I'll need access to an IMAP account on your system that shows 
the problem, and either the ability to access it remotely with my IMP 
installation, or access to the IMP code on your server.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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