[imp] c-client (IMAP 2001 Final) and IMP

George A. Theall theall@macp.org
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 22:37:23 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Vicki Brown wrote:

> I understand there were some difficulties using the c-client
> library from IMAP 2001a and IMP.

I've been using that version of the c-client with IMP (3.0 and 3.1) and
haven't seen any problems.  What difficulties are you referring to?

> What about 2001-Final?
> But the IMP PHP-IMAP test doesn't work properly, claiming
>         INBOX has 0 messages (0 new 1030392911 recent)
> even though I know (from my "real" IMAP client) that my INBOX
> has several messages at this time.
> Suggestions?  Help?

Do you have problems if you use the mtest program that comes with the
c-client library? [mtest is a simplistic program for debugging
connections but it may reveal something of interest.] If you don't, it
suggests a problem with the php compile; otherwise, look at your mail
logs and c-client compile for hints.
