[imp] mail errors sent to httpd

David Thom davidt@stats.gla.ac.uk
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:00:33 +0100

I have looked, but can't find an answer.

system:- solaris, NIS, apache, horde/imp (2.0/3.0)
our webserver runs under a 'normal' username, and we also have a group with 
the  same name. When the user, e.g. sends mail to a malformed address, the 
error message is sent to the username the httpd runs under, unfortunately in 
this case, a group of users, which could have embarrassing consequences. Is 
there a way to change this behaviour, or should I (as I have temporarily 
done) just change the username httpd runs under (but the logged in user still 
doesn't get the error message)


- --
_/ David Thom				_/ Phone: 0141 330 3521
_/ Systems Manager    			_/ Fax:     0141 330 4111
_/ Maths & Statistics Depts.    	_/ e-mail: davidt@stats.gla.ac.uk
_/ R. 328 Mathematics Build.		_/ web:  www.stats.gla.ac.uk/~davidt
_/ 15 University Gardens		_/
_/ University of Glasgow		_/ personal: david@thomnet.freeserve.co.uk
_/ G12 8QW                              _/
_/ UK   				_/