[imp] Quoting while replying?

Steven Premeau premeau@uwp.edu
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 18:38:16 -0500

  I have been trying to debug a problem with quoting the original message in
the reply.

  After searching the lists, I found discussions that PHP 4.1.0 fixed the
problem, and that there was a preference somewhere.

  I tried downgrading to PHP 4.1.2, with no luck.  Based I what I was
reading, I didn't want to run 4.1.0 because of security issues.

  Also, I couldn't find a configuration setting, so I'm stuck.

  My environment:

	Apache 1.3.24 w/Mod-SSL
	PHP 4.2.3 (Compiled in to Apache)
	Horde 2.1
	IMP 3.1

  Any suggestions?


Steven Premeau, Network Manager      premeau@uwp.edu           (262) 595-2005
Networking and Microcomputing Services     University of Wisconsin - Parkside
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 you don't find a thousand page operating manual, nor must you check with a
 friend to learn how to close the window ..."
                                       - Cliff Stoll in "Silicon Snake Oil"