[imp] serious mysql or imap problems on a imp server

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu Oct 24 09:28:32 2002

Zitat von Didi Rieder <adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at>:

> --On Wednesday, October 23, 2002 05:10:30 PM -0500 Eric Rostetter
> <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu> wrote:
> > That is not normal.  The only reason I can see it slowing down is if
> > it is retrying logins (say, trying with multiple authentication types
> > like cram-md5, ssl, plaintext, etc) and failing on the first several
> > before arriving at a working method.  Otherwise, I would expect
> imapproxy
> > to be at least as fast as normal logins.
> Our imap server is the cyrus-imapd 2.0.16, and the only available
> authentication
> type is plaintext. Does it matter on which machine the proxy runs
> (imapserver
> or webmail)?

That's exactly my setup, but I have all services running on the same machine
so I can't give much feedback on where to put the proxy best.

I'm Cc'ing to the imapproxy mailing list, further discussion should follow
up there.


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