[imp] trouble sending mail

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon Nov 4 03:42:48 2002

Quoting Travis <tgarriso@mchsi.com>:

> Ok, Sending mail works, thanks to Scotts post on May 3, 2002 "[imp]
> Problem sending mail $actionID='NO_ACTION'". His solution was "I went
> into
> templates/compose/compose.inc and changed the form to 'GET' as opposed
> to 'POST' any everything works!!!" Thanks Scott.

This is not a correct solution.  While it solved your immediate problem,
it will break other IMP functionailty like sending attachments.

This is covered in the list archives before -- you might want to research
further in the archives.

There is some underlying problem with your web server or php installation
that is causing this problem.  Your work-around may be of short term help
but it will probably cause more problems down the road.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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