[imp] Message Composition window does not close

Marc gorgon@inworld.de
Thu Nov 7 12:03:46 2002

Hi Eric,

thanks for your answers/questions.
A colleague of mine asked me a simple question one hour ago:

is it possible that not /sending/ is the problem but rather /saving/
the copy in "sent-mail"-Folder

At that moment I realized that there can be a problem with
IMPs-imap-Commands because I established imapproxy some days ago to
reduce load of our LDAP-Servers (I forgot to write this yesterday)

After disabling imapproxy the problem has gone but leaves the question
where the difference between sent-mail-Handling IMP and
netscape-messanger could be found.

Here the installation at the hosts:

 993 >--stunnel-->  1444 where imapproxy lives
1444 >--imapproxy--> 143 where cyrus-imapd lives

IMP connects directly to without ssl but notls.
The systems don't have local users and all other clients
(Mozilla,pine,mutt,emacs) are forced to use Port 993 by networking and
have no problem in saving mails with attachments to their
sent-mail-Folder while sending a mail.

There must be a difference that become a problem with imapproxy.


P.S. here my answers to your questions:

> ----- Message from eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu ---------
>     Date: Wed,  6 Nov 2002 21:40:29 -0600
>     From: Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>
> Reply-To: Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>
>  Subject: Re: [imp] Message Composition window does not close
>       To: imp@lists.horde.org
> Quoting Marc Haenle <gorgon@inworld.de>:
> > you're going to have a déjà vu in reading this subject? Sure:
> >
> >
> http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20011231/016701.html
> Which I think was settled as a segfault in apache...    I assume
> you are not seeing any seg faults in your apache error logs???

no segfault, no core, no logging, no load
the browser hangs for about 20-30 mintues in this horde session.
Other things, for example searching for the problem at google is
> > The system (syslog, horde.log and httpd.log) shows nothing (!)
> > while the problem occurs -> there seem to be no connection at 
> > this time
> Does that httpd.log contains the error log, access log, or both?

nothing to see in my logs. What I missed to do ist to tcpdump the
session to demonstrate, that there is no more connection.

> > setting max_exec_time in /horde/config/conf.php from 0 to 180
> > results in "can't display page - ask yo administrator"-error
> > after about five minutes.
> That is strange, as it implies that the php times out, which would
> mean it couldn't have segfaulted...

that errormsg comes from browser - sorry

> Do you see an httpd process using a lot of cpu time during the time
> this is happening?

I remember that kind of problem but here is no load

> > all connections have to run over https with good and selfmade
>>  certs
> Have (can) you tested without ssl to see if it makes any
> difference?

it takes a lot of work in reconfiguring the cisco-acls, iptables,
portsentries, tcpwrappers etc. between the GUI and those server.
So I'm (nearly:) glad in solving the problem by killing imapproxy.

thx again
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> --
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> ----- End message from eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu -----

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