[imp] Message Composition window does not close

Andrew Morgan morgan@orst.edu
Thu Nov 7 18:06:54 2002

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Marc wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> thanks for your answers/questions.
> A colleague of mine asked me a simple question one hour ago:
> is it possible that not /sending/ is the problem but rather /saving/
> the copy in "sent-mail"-Folder
> At that moment I realized that there can be a problem with
> IMPs-imap-Commands because I established imapproxy some days ago to
> reduce load of our LDAP-Servers (I forgot to write this yesterday)
> After disabling imapproxy the problem has gone but leaves the question
> where the difference between sent-mail-Handling IMP and
> netscape-messanger could be found.

I had this same problem when I was using imapproxy, which forced me to
stop using it.  If you weren't trying to save the message to the sent-mail
folder, everything worked fine.

I browsed the CVS tree for imapproxy and I think there was a fix for this
problem, but a new version incorporating the fix wasn't released, last
time I checked a few weeks ago.


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