[imp] Problem with viewing inline images.

Hans de Groot imp@dandy.nl
Fri Nov 22 10:00:26 2002

I tried putting the inline to false and than I get nothing just like it does not
show attachments. While before the inlines showed. or if I browse/read email in
netscape I get attachement like message that my browser does not support this
imagetype and I can download it (which is okay).

I have been looking in the source and I really do not understand why my c-client
should be the problem.

Does imp rely 100% in pgp to strip mimetypes/email of it's parts?

because I did some tests and when I send atachments and the
/horde/lib/MIME/viewer.php does pass then to the imp/lib/MIME/viewer/images.php
but no result there.

Can the not showing of attachements be an imp problem? maybe because of bad
updates from cvs (wrong versions of some php files?)


Hans de GRoot

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