[imp] IMP, Quotas, Courier-IMAP and LDAP

bclark@protocolusa.com bclark@protocolusa.com
Wed Nov 27 04:35:33 2002

Thanks for the advice. I went back to the original code as you suggested and it
does work. However, it displays incorrect quota information. I even deleted the
maildirsize file in my home directory so that qmail would create a new one just
to make sure it was "clean". As you can see in my maildirsize file, I have a
maildir quota of approx. 900MB (the 900000000S number) and 5,000 messages (the
5000C number). However, the quota that IMP displays looks like this: 

1.59MB / 4.88MB (32.50%)

It looks to me like IMP is reading the 5000C as the maildir size quota rather
than the message count quota as it should. 

My maildirsize file:

54147635 1629
1358 1
   -1358   -1
   -3574   -1
   -3565   -1
   -2806   -1
   -5468   -1
   -4199   -1
    2320    1

Any ideas on why this is happening? 


Quoting Syahrul Sazli Shaharir <sazli@myjaring.net>:

> On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Brian Clark wrote:
> > I am using the modified Quota script by Tjeerd van der Zee
> > Tjeerd.vdzee@chello.nl
> > See this URL for more info.
> >
> >
> > Whenever I login to IMP, I get these two error messages:
> > Warning: Undefined variable: homedir in
> > /var/www/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php on line 406
> In PHP, an LDAP search returns attributes in all lower case. So you need
> to use 'homedirectory', not 'homeDirectory' (I think the original code you
> quoted already used lower case).
> > Warning: stat failed for /Maildir/maildirsize (errno=13 - Permission
> > denied) in /var/www/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php on line 407
> Warning self-explanatory -- remember it's your httpd daemon that's doing
> the Maildir check, not the user.
> Personally I use earlier version:-
> Just piggybacks on your user's IMAP connection (courier-imap just need
> QUOTA extension enabled), no need to do the LDAP and filesystem stuff.
> --sazli
> cd /open/source; make world
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x06D4113E
> Key fingerprint = 0776 CC02 2C3F C0FF 7312  0C3E 0593 AF64 06D4 113E

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