[imp] imp/cyrus/imap/ssl authentication problem

Jeff Tomaszewski jtomaski at prague.ath.cx
Sat Jan 11 06:49:50 PST 2003

Thanks Eric, I removed the CRAM-MD5 library and it works.


On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 01:41, Eric Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting Jeff Tomaszewski <jtomaski at prague.ath.cx>:
> > The cyrus logs are
> > showing badlogin: localhost[] CRAM-MD5 user not found...
> Are you using cram-md5 or other sasl authentication for anything?  If not,
> deleting /etc/sasldb should fix this problem (drastic but easy).
> If you are using sasl, but not cram-md5, then disable cram-md5 to fix it.
> Not sure how you do this, but it should be a normal cyrus/sasl config file
> setting.  Others have actually done this by deleting the md5 auth libraries
> from the sasl plugin directory, but that also is really drastic.
> > cram-digest).  Any ides on how I can force imp to use plaintext
> > authentication to my cyrus imap server verses CRAM-MD5?
> Actually, IMP doesn't know what is going on.  It is php and its compiled-in
> c-client.  So the real question is how to make php and/or php's c-client
> use plain instead of cram-md5.
> If all else fails, I would say check the php support lists for an answer
> and/or check the cyrus/sasl lists for an answer, since this is really
> an issue with your php/c-client interfacing to your cyrus/sasl, and
> nothing really to do with IMP.
Jeff Tomaszewski <jtomaski at prague.ath.cx>

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