[imp] Truncated Attachments - aditional information

Bruno Negrao imp-bnegrao at engepel.com.br
Fri Feb 7 17:19:53 PST 2003

I changed my mind and I'll try on redhat 8.0 once again.
You said that your installation is runing. Could you tell me the versions of
the following packages and if they were tar.gz or rpms from redhat:

- Apache:
- Php:
- Horde:
- Pear:
- Imp:
- Redhat 8.0 kernel version:
- Imap:
- Sendmail/smtp server:
(if I miss some other important peace, please add it here)

It would help me a lot.

Thank you,
> I looked at the link, but I don't see where you got that from.  I ran
> RH 8.0 with their RPMS no problem (though now I run php 4.3.0 instead).
> Can you quote the text you are refering to?
> > Also in that link, they are showing the instructions to compile apache +
> > php. If someone could verify it, it gonna be great.
> > My boss just tell me to abandon this installation on redhat 8.0 and
> > on another machine (redhat 7.1).
> Given the amount of problems you are having, this might be a good idea.
> Maybe a fresh install will help.  Personally I would recomment 7.2 but
> that is up to you and your boss to decide.
> > So, I'm leaving this thread. Unless I can't make attachments work on
> > 7.1 too!!
> Good luck, and all the best.
> > Thank you for all you attention,
> > bruno.
> --
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> --
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