[imp] Email probelm

lst_hoe at kwsoft.de lst_hoe at kwsoft.de
Sat Feb 15 16:28:06 PST 2003

Zitat von Roobik <roobik at default.am>:

> how we can acces to mail server logs ???!

> -------Original Message-------
> From: lst_hoe at kwsoft.de
> Date: Saturday, February 15, 2003 03:45:21 PM
> To: imp at lists.horde.org
> Subject: Re: [imp] Email probelm
> Zitat von Roobik <roobik at default.am>:
> > Hi we have a a domain " http://www.cvictory.com 
> > When we are sending email to yahoo ! or hotmail it working as well but
> > when
> > we sending email to other server it dos't work ! for example netscape.net 
> > default.am , and much more ! 
> > 
> > How we can solv this problem 
> Your mailserver logs will tell you ..
> Regards
> Andreas

You are on the IMP webmail list so i assumed that you have your own server 
running with Horde/IMP and some kind of mailserver on it.
This list is for helping people which has trouble with IMP and not with other 
topics far related to e-mail.

If you have trouble to understand what your server is doing try to read the 
basics of operating your server.



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