[imp] s/mime help

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Feb 20 20:56:59 PST 2003

Hello Marcos Monge,

>Hi everybody
>I have instaled horde/imp cvs HEAD for testing s/mime support.
>I have all working, but I have some problems with certificates.
>Imp support only pkcs7 certifies files.
>I have try to create a new certificate with my own CA (with openssl) 
>following this steps:
>echo "Self-sign the root CA..."
>openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -config root-ca.conf -key ca.key -out 
># create the certificate
>openssl req -new -config user-cert.conf -key mmonge.key -out mmonge.csr
>#  sign the certificate
>openssl ca -config ca.config -out mmonge.crt -infiles mmonge.csr
>(the .conf file have data about paths and defaults)
>After all this, I have a "mmonge.crt" certfied, I think in x509 format.

Sure it is x509 as you requested it with "openssl req -new -x509".

>How I can import this certificate to my public/private S/Mime key in 
>IMP? I have try to convert to pkcs7 format, but I only get one key (I 
>don't know if it's private or public key).

Take crl2pkcs7.

>Any help is welcome.... and usefull links/docs also

Further infos on http://www.mkssoftware.com/docs/man1/openssl_crl2pkcs7.1.asp
or other hits on google with search for "openssl pkcs7".

>Thanks in advance
>Marcos Monge <mmonge at satec.es>


Alexander Dalloz

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