[imp] PGP Stuff

Chris J Albertson alb at chrisalbertson.com
Thu Feb 20 22:01:28 PST 2003

The PGP integration into IMP is pretty darn good. I have two suggestions to add
to the functionality though.

1) How about an option in prefs to automatically sign all outbound emails?

2) When you add a public key to someones address book entry, it appears as
though the key is linked into IMP by the "name" on the key, rather than the
email address. So, if the name in the turba address book does not match the name
in the key, even though the email addresses match, errors are produced. (The
error suggests that there are two entries for a given key)
Does this make sense? Maybe we should be linking the pgp key to the email
address instead of the name....

Comments? Suggestions?

Chris Albertson
Owner - ChrisAlbertson.com  (Actually, I rent, with an option to buy)

Version: 3.1 (http://www.geekcode.com)
GIT$/CS d? s: a30 C++$ ULA++$ P+ L+++ E--- W+(++) N o? K- w O M-- 
V-- PS-- PE++ Y+ PGP?>+++ t+ 5(+) X- R- tv+ b+>++ DI++ D+ G e++ 
h--- r+++ z++++


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using the IMP mailing program, part of the Horde suite
of information management tools.

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Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
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