[imp] Re: messages >= 1k said to be 0k in length

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Mon Feb 24 23:23:10 PST 2003

> Ok.. I played around with it a bit more..  I've tried combinations of the
> following...

from mailbox.php ~ ln680

    if (isset($h->size)) {
        $msg_size = ($h->size > 1024)
            ? sprintf('%.0fkb', $h->size / 1024)
            : $h->size;

we're using Gentoo..  I threw some debugging stubs in there, and $h->size is
set.  It seems to have a problem with sprintf's "f" type.  Is it possible that 
Gentoo doesn't know what a float is?  I don't suppose anyone else is using Gentoo?


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