[imp] PGP Problems in HEAD

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Wed Mar 5 10:38:49 PST 2003

Quoting Chris J Albertson <alb at chrisalbertson.com>:

 | What is the keyserver that you have specified in your conf.php file for IMP?
 | My
 | keyserver reads: wwwkeys.pgp.net. I'm not sure what the default is if this
 | value
 | is left blank.

FWIW, I'm seeing the same problem but I hadn't been able to isolate the cause.
I just tried to access your email with pgp enabled and was unsuccessful.  I
disabled pgp in prefs.php and entered immediately.  I'm also using 
wwkeys.pgp.net.  Strange . . 


 | If your keyserver lists what mine says, then maybe it's a connectivity issue
 | on
 | your end. Try hitting that site from a browser. (I just tried it and it
 | works fine.)
 | The last suggestion I have is to maybe try and retreive the public key
 | yourself
 | from wwwkeys.pgp.net. If you are able to get the key, import it into
 | IMP->Options and see if it will bypass the keyserver lookup.
 | Doing all these things should help the IMP developers narrow down your
 | problem
 | if indeed it turns out to be a code issue.
 | G/L
 | --
 | Chris Albertson
 | Owner - ChrisAlbertson.com  (Actually, I rent, with an option to buy)
 | 4783147098
 | Quoting Dan Wilson <dan at acucore.com>:
 |  I have been having problems with the displaying of PGP signed messages in
 |  HEAD... I don't recal when it started, but probably within the last couple
 |  weeks.  I just didn't figure it out until now.
 |  IMP would go into la-la land when I would attempt to view certain emails. 
 | I
 |  finally realized that it was only emails that were PGP signed.  At first, I
 |  thought it was a configuration problem on my end, so I checked all my
 | settings
 |  and they seemed normal.
 |  I then verified it by comparing settings of my HEAD install with my
 | production
 |  (which is actually HEAD from Jan 8) install.  The settings are the same,
 |  however, the production install displays these same messages without
 | problems.
 |  I finally got one of the emails to display (after letting it sit for
 | several
 |  minutes) and it returns the error: 'Could not obtain public key from the
 |  keyserver.'
 |  Again, the settings are the same as the production install and the
 | production
 |  displays everything correctly.  The only setting difference that I see is
 | the
 |  $conf['utils']['gnupg_timeout'] setting in HEAD.  You'd think that would
 | help
 |  not hurt ;)
 |  -Dan
 |  --
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