[imp] Message html not display ok

Argimiro Veiga argimiro at realdepiasca.com
Tue Apr 29 18:53:23 PDT 2003

Mensaje citado por Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Argimiro Veiga <argimiro at realdepiasca.com>:
> > The enclosed message is display like flat text, when is html. If add the
> > following label to the headers "Mime-Version: 1.0", is display OK (html).
> It is an invalid email without that header. Fix whatever generates the
> email.

I'm not generate the email. It send for www.softonic.com (mail-list).

It would be able to include like value by defect, if does not exist?

> -chuck

Many thanks.


Argimiro Veiga
Real de Piasca Grupo

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