[imp] IMP: php session files left behind

Robert Kubarych rkubarych at bergen.edu
Tue Apr 29 15:18:55 PDT 2003



We are using the following:


Horde 2.2.1

IMP 3.2

PHP 4.2.2


In horde/config/horde.php we have $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] =


In our /tmp directory we are seeing that session files are not cleaned
up.  These files have an owner and group of nobody, and are set with rw
permissions for the owner, and no other permissions. 


Is there an error in my configuration somewhere that is causing these
files to be left behind?  If I have to schedule a cron job to clean
these files up won't I run the risk of stomping on a live session?


Thanks in advance for any help.




Robert K. Kubarych

(201) 612-5591


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