[imp] Request for assistance: There was an error viewing the requested message.

Simon Nay snay at chaosart.com
Wed Sep 17 12:56:40 PDT 2003

Greetings.  I am receiving an error whenever I attempt to view a message 
in IMP of:  There was an error viewing the requested message.

I am using IMP-3.2.2 (from the ftp site).
I am using Horde-2.2.3 (from ftp site).
FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p7

I can send mail succesfully, mail comes in ok, I can see all the mail in 
the list, I simply cannot open it.

I am tried using IMP-3.2.1 and tried using the newest version from CVS 
(as of 1200 on 09.17.2003), all to no avail.

I will be happy to provide any other information that may help to anyone 
who would be so kind as to assist me.



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