[imp] debugging a problem with appledouble MIME viewer [LONG]

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Dec 4 13:36:10 PST 2003

Quoting Ben Poliakoff <benp at imap.reed.edu>:

| I've written in about this issue some months back, but have never
| resolved the problem....


| When I "view" a multipart/appledouble file within Imp a new window pops
| up (as it is supposed to).  But it doesn't display everything that it
| should.
| It displays a line of text:
|     This message contains a Macintosh file. The original file can be
|     downloaded HERE.
| Where "HERE" is a link to download the resource fork (which is of little
| value in a webmail context).

OK, I've rewritten this to state that this is a link to the resource fork,
not the actual file.

| But after this line there should be a little table with a "lightgrey"
| background that offers a download link to the data fork part of the file.

I still can't reproduce this problem.  The test file you sent me a few
months ago still renders correctly, giving me a link to:
 	test_document  	[application/octet-stream] 19.00 KB

The only thing I can think of being a problem is a) an out-of-date Horde, b)
a bad c-client.  If the same message is rendering correctly in my setup and
not rendering correctly in your setup and we are using the same exact
Horde/IMP software, the issue must be elsewhere.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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