[imp] Recovering mail

Todd Aiken taiken at ubishops.ca
Thu Feb 5 08:52:05 PST 2004

This might be a bit off topic, and if so I appologize.  But I'm just 
curious as to what policies and what methods (if any) that production 
sites using Horde/IMP apply for one of their users who says something 
like, "Help!  I just deleted a new mail message that I didn't want to... 
can you get it back for me?"  We currently are able to do some recovery 
with our current system (Mercury IMAP server on Netware NDS) by either the 
Novell salvage command or via tape backup, but if I decide to move to an 
all Linux system using Horde/IMP, I'm pretty sure my users are going to 
want this type of recovery continued.  

CU L8R...

Todd A. Aiken 
Systems Analyst - Administrator
Cole Computer Centre
Lennoxville, Quebec, CANADA

"GUIs on servers... That's like putting an air conditioner on a 

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