[imp] not receiving error notifications
tnuro at yahoo.com.au
Tue Apr 6 00:08:52 PDT 2004
When using IMP, I don't receive any error notifications such as
undeliverable notifications etc.
This is because there is a received path between the browser and the
server, which is like this:
Received: from www-data by box.mydomain.com with local (Exim 4.30)
id 1BAjXp-0000Sp-PZ
for friend at someotherdomain.com; Tue, 06 Apr 2004 15:54:45 +1000
Received: from myipaddress.somedomain.com (myipaddress.somedomain.com [])
by box.mydomain.com (IMP) with HTTP
for <me at mydomain.com@localhost>; Tue, 6 Apr 2004 15:54:45 +1000
User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2
Sender: www-data <www-data at box.mydomain.com>
So what happens is that error emails are sent to
www-data at box.mydomain.com instead of me at mydomain.com (I found this by
checking the incoming logs)
I tried looking in IMP for where it sets the "Sender: www-data
<www-data at box.mydomain.com>" field, but I can't find it.
Does someone know how to fix this ?
I am using cyrus & horde2, and virtdomains in cyrus, so my user accounts
are all like me at mydomain.com
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