[imp] IMP is like Eudora?

Joaquim Homrighausen joho at webbplatsen.se
Thu Jun 24 05:24:28 PDT 2004

  * Quoting Dan Brown <dan at familybrown.org> on 2004-06-24:

> | It allows for fast keyboard navigation (using the mouse to handle stuff
> 	Well, IMP 4 does have keyboard navigation, at least with Mozilla
> (doesn't seem to work too well with IE 6, but I use Mozilla 90+% of the
> time).

Sorry, I meant when moving between messages. I *like* to use the keyboard
instead of the mouse wherever possible.

Oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.

It feels a little bit like "Microsoft is bad, and thus everything they do is
bad"; I agree, Microsoft is bad, but I don't think everything they do sucks.
I too love IMP/HORDE/etc, and I think the Horde Crew deserves more than what
they get, it wasn't (and isn't) my intention to complain.

My intention was (is) to implement HORDE/IMP/etc. in a company where 2800
people will be using it instead of Outlook. That will generate cash, and the
goal was to be able to transfer some of that cash to the Horde Crew. But I
can't sell "Well, you used to do it this way, and that took 1s per message,
now you have to do it this way - which is more complicated - and it takes 3s
per message"; that won't fly here.


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