[imp] Performance analysis

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jul 22 08:06:36 PDT 2004

Zitat von Raul Caballero Ortega <rcortega at di.uc3m.es>:

>     I'm trying to analyze the performance of IMP in order to evaluate it
> as possible webmail for a system with over 40.000 users, with max of 400
> concurrent users and avg of 250 (aprox.).
>     I'm installing it on a system with PHP
> acceleration and other performance improvements, but I'd like to know if
> anyone of you have tested IMP in such a large system, any comments?

It would be great if everyone answering to this thread could also add his
deployment here: http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=Deployments


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