[imp] How to show quotas on different mail servers

pcastane at escuelaing.edu.co pcastane at escuelaing.edu.co
Fri Sep 17 08:11:42 PDT 2004

Hi, I want to know how to show user's quotas.
I have the web mail server (Horde 2.0 and IMP 3.1) in a different machine that 
the mail server (sendmail v.8.13). The two servers have RH 8.0.

I was review the mails related with this requirement, but I think that those 
are talking about the web mail and mail server on the same machine. I don´t 
have MySql neither, I have Postgres (v.7.2) for the horde DB, user's prefs.

Thanks in advance.

Patricia Castañeda

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