[imp] Horde/IMP bug(?) with saving sessions to mysql database

Kimmo Liikonen mlists-horde-imp at ticket.phnet.fi
Fri Dec 3 07:19:38 PST 2004


I am trying to save Horde/IMP session data to mysql server, and it works
fine, except sometimes when new session is created. Sometimes (when browser
is closed and restarted and new session should be made) horde/imp does not
save session data to mysql and login button does not appear on login page of
IMP. On browser i can see the cookie, which shows session id. Here is log
from mysql server:

**** DOES NOT WORK (should INSERT/REPLACE new session to Mysql)****

44 Query       SELECT session_data FROM horde_sessionhandler WHERE
session_id = '558a7ae5f2c5983e98a45543dd7a8078' AND session_lastmodified >

**** THIS ONE WORKS *****

46 Init DB     horde
46 Query       SELECT session_data FROM horde_sessionhandler WHERE
session_id = '558a7ae5f2c5983e98a45543dd7a8078' AND session_lastmodified >
46 Statistics
46 Init DB     horde
46 Query       REPLACE INTO horde_sessionhandler (session_id, session_data,
session_lastmodified) VALUES ('558a7ae5f2c5983e98a45543dd7a8078',
'prefs_cache|a:1:{s:7:\"_filled\";a:0:{}}', 1102077153)

If i save sessions to /tmp directory, everything works just fine. Weird
thing is that this bug(?) occurs by random.

The reason why i am using mysql to save sessions is that we are using load
balancers on front of servers.

We have latest horde/imp software installed:

horde 2.2.5
imp 3.2.6

OS: Debian 3.0 stable

I can reproduce this bug(?) on multiple servers.

Best Regards,

Kimmo Liikonen

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