[imp] Re: getMIMEId() problem?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Tue Mar 15 08:44:07 PST 2005

Quoting Chris Sigler <chris.sigler at gmail.com>:

> There are a few of us who have encountered this issue. We're trying to
> figure out the cause of it, but so far, we've been quite unable to
> find any common link between those of us who have it. No amount of
> tinkering I've done has fixed it, and I can't find any common
> denominators between myself and those who I've talked to about this.
> It's a very frustrating issue, and I don't see it being resolved very 
> soon. :(

Actually, I believe it has been fixed for several weeks now.  
and, backported to Horde 3.0.4:

You need to either use Horde 3.0.4-RC1 or wait until 3.0.4 is released.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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