[imp] Re: cramming together
Eric Rostetter
eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Mar 18 09:20:14 PST 2005
Quoting Alain Fauconnet <alain at ait.ac.th>:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 09:49:31AM +0100, Jan Schneider wrote:
> > Zitat von Karolis Dautartas <list at public.lt>:
> > > I wonder whether you would still say the same if the issue occured
> > > with IE, not Firefox. Firefox is a widely used browser, and a good
> > > idea would be to get it working on that browser instead of repeating
> > > that it has bugs.
He would have said the same thing about IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox,
what ever. You can bank on that.
> > > Customers don't care about which side has bugs. They
> > > want to read their email. If you had IMP working with firefox, it would
> > > only make IMP better...
It was stated that this bug is already fixed in CVS of the browser, and will
be gone in the next release of the browser. Microsoft usually doesn't
fix bugs like that by the way. That's a great thing about non-MS software;
they actually care enough to fix bugs.
> > Please think a second before you write such crap.
While a bit rude, it does apply.
> Jan, you need some vacation. Why don't you take a rest from the list
> for a few weeks?
Because he is one of the few trying to help people, and if he did, people
would have to go without help. Do you really want that?
> Usually, your input is very helpful and your slaps
> most of the time justified. But this time he's got an excellent point.
No, he doesn't.
> The fact that he hasn't read the archives doesn't change the issue a
> bit. IMP is full of IE bug work-arounds, like Apache and a zillion
> other open-source programs. Why wouldn't that apply to Firefox as
> well? I know, I know... submit a patch. That'd be an acceptable reply.
> But yours wasn't.
While slightly rude, it was acceptable. In fact, most of the developers tend
to supply slightly rude responses. I don't care for that, but it is a fact of
life in the Horde project and has been since I became involved with
Horde 5 years ago.
You fail to consider two very important facts here:
* Many browser bug work arounds are there because the browser bug will not
ever be fixed, so it has to be worked around. In this case, the bug
is being fixed.
* Many browser bug work arounds are there because they are easy to fix. This
one isn't easy to fix.
> Greets,
> _Alain_
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!
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