[imp] Re: IMP 4.X, compose window addressbook source question

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Mar 30 09:21:37 PST 2005

Quoting Kevin Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:

> return mostly unique results.  But most people here are accustomed to looking
> through an addressbook and selecting people to send or CC messages to, and
> pointing and clicking on the addresses they want. Having just the 
> addressbooks
> that you care about available to you, and defaulting to the one you 
> search most often would be a big improvement in my opinion.

I see where you're coming from, but I'm having a hard time getting past 
the fact that for some people this would mean making unavailable 
functionality that *is* what they want. Perhaps we should just add a 
new preference for contacts_page_sources (better name needed/welcome)?


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