[imp] IMP very slow

Joe7 rrcomp at hotmail.com
Wed May 11 05:45:00 PDT 2005

I'm having the same problem...
Configuration 1,7GHz Celeron.
512MB RAM. Debian.
Messages 6000+, but had the same problem with 3k too :/

I'm running the latest version of IMP/HORDE on SuSE 9.1.
Using the Courier IMAP, Postfix and MySQL.
It is 1GHz Athlon machine with 786MB RAM.
My INBOX has some 3000 plus messages.

IMP is very slow in comparison to either MS Outlook or Squirrelmail access.
Both in logging in and doing any folder or message operations.

I'd say that IMP is 5x to 10x slower than Squirrelmail or Outlook.

The machine CPU is mostly IDLE and there are 5 users only. It is quite annoying
to have to wait 10 seconds to get folder listing in oppose 1 second in Squirrelmail.

Is there anything that I can tweak?



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