[imp] imp search issue

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Thu Sep 1 13:55:26 PDT 2005

Quoting Xavier Bertou <bertou at gmail.com>:

> That would do the trick (especially with a 'All' option).
> Cheers,

The time of a search won't scale well, if you're proposing to search all
messages, for all criteria.  The more messages you have, and the more criteria
you supply strings to search for, the slower the search.  Google's made a lot
of money paying bright people to design large-scale search engines, so 
don't be
suprised if your mail server falls over if you hammer it with sloppy 
searches. No one has written the imap_magic_search function yet, for 
PHP (param - none
needed - its magic, returns array - the list of indices that match the results
you want in your mind) ;)  As a result, the Horde developers haven't been able
to write the Horde classes to extend it yet, either...  Patches would probably
certainly be welcome.

Its not quite as simple as specifying "All" and hoping that will 
translate into
a reasonable, scalable solution.  You might get the results you want on 
a small
installation, but could temporarily cripple a mail server with lots of users,
if a few of them decide to search at the same time..


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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