[imp] User configurable mail folder

Shane Williams broot at ischool.utexas.edu
Mon Sep 12 16:52:31 PDT 2005

We're running IMP v4.0.3 on top of Horde 3.0.5.

For various reasons, our users may have their mail folders in one of
two places (usually not both, but I wouldn't rule it out).  One is in
$HOME/mail, the other is just plain $HOME.  I realize this is bad and
should have been prevented by the IMAP server, but what's done is done
and I have to live with the consequences...

Since I don't want their home directories to be the default (among
other reasons because some users' home dirs make IMP die trying to
load all the files (I'm sure I could fix that issue, but it's not
really the problem)), I've set 'folders' => 'mail/' in our server

In various places, IMP makes it seem like I should be able to allow
users to change this default if they need to (for instance the
$conf['server']['change_folders'] setting in conf.php), but I cannot
seem to make it work.  I gather that the effect of that setting
depends on how $conf['server']['server_list'] is set, but no matter
which setting I try for that, I can't seem to find a place for users
to change their mail folder.

Our setup has users logging into horde using LDAP, and then mail is
on the left nav.  Is this setup skipping some IMP login page that
would offer users the ability to change their mail folder?  Or is
there something else I'm missing?  One workaround I thought of was to
create two server definitions where the only difference was mail
folder and then set the preference to the "mail/" server but allow
users to pick the other, but that didn't seem to give them a choice
either.  Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

If you need conf files or more information, just let me know.
Thanks for any help or pointers.

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                |      System Admin - UT iSchool
All syllogisms contain three lines |       broot at ischool.utexas.edu
Therefore this is not a syllogism  | www.ischool.utexas.edu/~shanew

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