[imp] imp log out

Juan Manuel Hurtado jmanuel at ibt.unam.mx
Thu Nov 10 10:29:57 PST 2005

I have the following problem:
I installed imp3 and everything seems to be working fine, except that the
server disconnects the users seemingly randomly.

the imp server logs say:

Nov 10 10:46:02 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to[imap/ssl/novalidate-cert] as yvonne [on line 307 of

I tried to search for this problem in the list archives, but I only found
in the faq "IMP logs me out for no apparent reason at all.".
I tried the solution in the faq, changing php.ini to php.ini-dist
but this doesn't appear to work.

My setup:
 debian sarge 3.1
 php4           4.3.10-16
 horde2         2.2.8-1
 imp3           3.2.6-3

The server where I have imp installed connects via
imap/ssl/novalidate-cert to another server where the users' email resides.

Can anyone give me a hand?

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