[imp] Horde and Courier many folders

Warwick Bruce Chapman warwick at thusa.co.za
Tue Jan 17 07:57:41 PST 2006

Chuck, Jan, other gurus

Please try point me in the right direction here... I am happy to search 
and tweak and fix myself, but need some idea of where horde is slowing 
down here.

I have a server on which several users have over 2000 folders in their 
IMAP mailboxes, and I used Horde for their Webmail.  The users with more 
than 1000 odd mail folders experience a huge waiting period when logging 
into horde (during with the courier-imap process sits around 100%).  
Once logged in, things are generally snappy and useable.

Their mail is principally accessed through Outlook using IMAP and 
performs well, leading me to believe that the slowdown upon Horde login 
has to do with what Horde is asking Courier to do at that time.  To test 
this theory, I installed SqWebMail (from Courier), Roundcube and 
Squirellmail and results (on a users with 2500 mail folders) were as 
- Outlook performs well and users have no complains
- SqWebmail logs in quickly and performs well (but is terribly ugly) 
(<1s for login)
- Roundcube logs in quickly enough and performs well (6s for login)
- Squirrelmail takes an age to login, but is useable once logged in 
(>5mins login)
- Horde 3.0.9/IMP 3.0.4 takes between 3-5 minutes to login and is 
perfectly useable once logged in.

I tested IMP4 H3 against an Exchange Server and listing the Inbox was 
slow, so I set the "On slower mailservers, sorting by any field..." 
configuration option to 100 and that was suddenly zippy.  The same 
change on the IMP4 H3 / Courier setup had no effect.

Please advise.


Bill Graham wrote:
> Hi Warwick I am running one system with cyrus-imap and another with 
> dovecot both work very well - but I don't have a huges user base
> Runing CentOs 4.2 - same as RHEL 4
> Apache 2.052
> Custom php 4.3.11 - built from source
> php-eacellerator - which helps a lot mysql 4.1.12
> Sorry I can't be of more help good luck Bill
> Quoting Warwick Bruce Chapman <warwick at thusa.co.za>:
>> Hi Bill
>> I am using Firefox, although the problem is identical in IE.  The 
>> fact that the courier-imap process shoots to 100% during login leads 
>> me to believe Horde is asking Courier to do something hectic upon login.
>> Regards
>> Warwick
>> Bill Graham wrote:
>>> Does this happen with both Firefox and IE ?
>>> I found that the loading of images for the left menu  was killing me 
>>> in a user that had 600 folders in IE
>>> I tried the previously suggested directives in Apache
>>> ExpiresActive On
>>> ExpiresByType image/png "now plus 1 month"
>>> ExpiresByType image/gif "now plus 1 month"
>>> It made a world of difference in IE
>>> Bill
>>> Quoting Warwick Bruce Chapman <warwick at thusa.co.za>:
>>>> Hi Michael
>>>> My folders and namespace settings are correct to my knowledge and 
>>>> based on what I have seen in some of "the 1000's of postings on 
>>>> this topic".
>>>>    'folders' => 'INBOX.',
>>>>    'namespace' => '',
>>>> These settings allow folders to be created from within Horde, which 
>>>> was not the case before.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Warwick
>>>> Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>>>> Quoting Warwick Bruce Chapman <warwick at thusa.co.za>:
>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>> We have been happily using Courier/Horde for many years now, but
>>>>>> recently we replaced a Cyrus-based box with one of our own using
>>>>>> Courier and the client has been unhappy ever since!
>>>>>> Three of the mailboxes include 1500 or more folders (including all
>>>>>> subfolders) and it is only when logging into Horde as any of these
>>>>>> three users that problems occur.  Basically what happens is the 
>>>>>> login
>>>>>> 'hangs' for a up to 3 minutes, while the courier-imap process hits
>>>>>> 100%.  I assume that what is happening is Courier or Horde is 
>>>>>> trying to
>>>>>> traverse the entire tree of folders before login may complete.
>>>>> This is almost certainly an issue with your folders/namespace  
>>>>> configuration in config/servers.php  And before you send an email  
>>>>> asking "What should these settings be", read the documentation 
>>>>> and/or  search the list archives for one of the 1,000s of postings 
>>>>> on this  topic.
>>>>> michael
>>>>> _______________________________________
>>>>> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]
>>>> -- 
>>>> Warwick Chapman
>>>> Marketing and Operations
>>>> Thusa Business Support cc
>>>> Cellular: +27 83 7797 094
>>>> Telephone: +27 31 563 1180
>>>> Facsimile: +27 31 563 1182
>>>> Website: http://www.thusa.co.za
>>>> -- There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand 
>>>> binary, and those who don't.
>> -- 
>> Warwick Chapman
>> Marketing and Operations
>> Thusa Business Support cc
>> Cellular: +27 83 7797 094
>> Telephone: +27 31 563 1180
>> Facsimile: +27 31 563 1182
>> Website: http://www.thusa.co.za
>> -- There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand 
>> binary, and those who don't.

Warwick Chapman
Marketing and Operations
Thusa Business Support cc

Cellular: +27 83 7797 094
Telephone: +27 31 563 1180
Facsimile: +27 31 563 1182
Website: http://www.thusa.co.za

-- There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't. 

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