[imp] imp memory requirement when large image is attached

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu May 25 07:43:43 PDT 2006

Quoting Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at fantomas.sk>:

>> I believe there is already an enhancement ticket on bugs.horde.org.
> You probably mean this one: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3808
> I am not so sure that's it - this is about displaying thumbnails instead of
> linging them, and as long as they are not displayed, they probably don't get
> processed. Or am I wrong and should I fill new report, or add comment to
> this one?

You are wrong.  We *always* have to load the data into the object if  
the thumbnail size limit is reached because it quite frequently occurs  
that the data is bad, in which case we don't want to show the  
thumbnail information.  So it is the exact same issue listed in the  
above ticket.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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